My New Year resolutions for a Healthier and more Connected 2024

Jigar Dhulla

Jigar Dhulla

December 27, 2023 · 5 min read
My New Year resolutions for a Healthier and more Connected 2024

As the new year unfolds, I find myself reflecting on the past and envisioning a better future. This year, I am committed to making positive changes in my life, focusing on my health, expanding my involvement in the Laravel community, and embarking on a new learning adventure. Join me on this journey as I share my resolutions and experiences through the Threads app, Twitter, and beyond.

  1. Prioritizing Health: A Step Towards Vitality

    • Acknowledging the Neglect: Admitting that I have neglected my health for too long is the first step toward positive change. I've noticed a decrease in stamina, making activities like playing badminton a challenge.

    • Taking the First Step: To kickstart my journey to a healthier lifestyle, I'll begin with a simple morning walk. Starting slow will allow me to build a routine and gradually incorporate more physical activities.

    • Family and Personal Motivation: This endeavor is not just for me but for my parents and my wife as well. Their happiness is a driving force, motivating me to prioritize my well-being. I aspire to be more energetic and present for them, fostering a healthier lifestyle for all.

    • Tech Inspiration: Drawing inspiration from unexpected quarters, a tech YouTuber I follow, Geekyranjit, has also played a part in motivating me. His commitment to a balanced lifestyle has shown me that even those deeply immersed in the tech world can prioritize their health. This realization further solidifies my resolve to make positive changes.

    • Sharing the Progress: The Threads app will be my platform to document and share my health journey. From the initial struggles to the eventual triumphs, I aim to inspire others who may be on a similar path to better health.

  2. Laravel Community: Strengthening Connections

    • Going Beyond Quarterly Meet-ups: While organizing Laravel Pune Community meet-ups quarterly has been rewarding, I aspire to foster more regular interactions. Increasing the frequency of these events will provide more opportunities for the community to come together.

    • Embracing Online Platforms: Livestreams and other online activities will become a significant part of my engagement strategy. I'll be more accessible to the Laravel community, offering insights, guidance, and learning opportunities.

    • Documenting the Journey: Twitter will be my go-to platform for sharing updates, event highlights, and insights gained from interacting with the Laravel community. Through tweets and discussions, I hope to contribute to the growth and vibrancy of this thriving community.

  3. Learning to Drive a 4-Wheeler: A New Skill on the Horizon

    • Addressing Priorities: Learning to drive a four-wheeler has lingered at the bottom of my to-do list. Neither am I a car enthusiast nor do I relish the idea of navigating through traffic. However, recognizing the future benefits, I am ready to shift this skill higher on my priority list.

    • Family Convenience: Considering the convenience it brings to family travel, learning to drive becomes a valuable asset.

    • Embracing Timelines: Acknowledging that I might be starting this journey at the age of 35, I firmly believe that it's never too late to learn a new skill. While I may not be the youngest learner on the road, the adage "better late than never" resonates strongly. This realization fuels my determination to embrace this challenge and prove that age is just a number.

    • Sharing the Thrills and Spills: My journey into the world of four-wheelers will be shared on Threads app.

As I embark on these resolutions, I invite you to follow along and share your own experiences. Let's support each other in making positive changes and turning 2024 into a year of growth, connection, and personal triumphs. Cheers to new beginnings!

Social Media

Where I will be sharing my journey:

Disclaimer: I want readers to be engaged and interested but at the same time I am not an expert at content writing so I have used ChatGPT for better language and Banner image is generated from DALL·E 2. The thoughts are original though. I have read each and every word of what was generated and made some arrangements as per my need.

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